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As Deputy Leader of WP4, Dr. Carsten Fauhl-Hassek will be the primary contact person for BfR and will contribute to this WP by carrying out a scientific compliance assessment of maximum levels in the feed/food chain for selected examples. This will lead to an identification of points to be changed in legislation/standards in order to implement and apply MyToolBox and analysis/discussion of benefits and drawbacks and making regulatory impact assessment. Dr. Fauhl-Hassek is Head of the Unit "Product Identity, Supply Chains and Traceability" and of the senior expert office for the import control of wine. He has a lot of experience in the participation on EU-Research projects, and was leader of the work package “Traceability and Authenticity of Feed materials” in the QSAFFE EU research project of the 7th Framework Programme, and actually participates in the EU research projects SPICED as well as Food Integrity. He is also supervising the NRL mycotoxins and the risk assessments related to mycotoxins in food in his unit.